The Formless Path. No Seeing, Nothing Seen.

I undertook this journey as a means to deal with some difficult personal issues. When about to embark on the trek, I felt hesitant, nervous and almost afraid to abandon all comfort and to be solely reliant on myself and the sparse amount of gear I would be carrying.

As much as this trip was outward in the sense of scenery and real physical obstacles and adversities, there was also an inherent inward path present, formless in a sense, on which realizations connected with the Self would manifest, persist, alter and ultimately dissolve.

As the obstacles beset the teaching, when having recourse to only oneself, one learns quickly to circumvent dangerous territories and improvise upon experiencing contretemps, much in the way of dealing with and dispelling negative sentiments, doubt and self-blame.

All photographs:
Chromogenic prints, 30x40 inches, 2009

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